Product Designer Leader
The design and woven badge

Festive 500 Roundel

The Festive 500 is a cycling challenge held between Christmas Eve and New Years Eve with the aim of cycling 500km over those 8 days. Started by Rapha in 2010 it’s a challenge taken on by thousands each year in the winter time. Read more about the Fesitve 500 here.

In 2020 this challenge became even harder to complete with a global pandemic in full swing. To anyone that completed this challenge kudos! That’s why I designed this badge (as Rapha chose to stop making them in 2020).

50 of these badges were made and sent out across the world as far as Canada, Brazil and Hong Kong.

The design and woven badge

The design and woven badge

Fesitve 500 Map.png
Fesitve 500 Stats.png